We live technology
and innovation

CIGS technology is one of the most powerful and
long-term stable thin-film processes.

The conversion of solar energy into electricity is one of the most advanced technologies and will be one of the essential pillars of our energy supply in the future. In order to meet the highest level of environmentally friendly production, AVANCIS continues to research and develop CIGS technology.

Four elements

The basic elements
of the CIGS technology

CIGS stands for the components copper (Cu), indium (In), gallium (Ga) and selenium (Se). The main feature of CIGS technology is the approx. 2 µm thin semiconductor layer (1 micrometer is one thousandth of a millimeter).

You can learn more about the basics of our CIGS technology in a separate magazine article.

Basic elements of CIGS technology

Only 550 days for amortization

The CO2 footprint of our PV modules is very low compared to crystalline technologies due to the CIGS technology. After only 550 days of operation, the CO2 generated during production can be offset again.*)

*) Module production under standard circumstances and operation of the modules under typical conditions in Munich with optimal orientation to the south.


Powerful solar technology
with high efficiency

CIGS technology offers enormous savings and performance potential compared to other photovoltaic technologies. Our champion modules are multiple world record holders in efficiency.

BIPV facade at the Westspitze in Tübingen | DE
increase in efficiency

Tandem technology and perovskite top cells

In order to drive forward the continuous increase in efficiency of thin-film modules, we have started developing thin-film tandem technologies with both a CIGS top cell and a perovskite top cell.

Thin-film tandem modules have the lower carbon footprint and short energy payback times compared to c-Si wafer technologies, which supports the rapid decarbonization of energy generation.

We will provide information on further development work here in a later magazine article.

Increased efficiency

Lot of good reasons
for CIGS technology

Elegant and aesthetic appearanceWith the help of CIGS thin-film technology, the solar modules obtain their unsurpassed and also elegant and aesthetic appearance. With their discreet look and well thought-out product design, the modules blend seamlessly into their respective surroundings without any reflection.
Efficient even in the shadeCIGS modules are particularly insensitive to typical shading situations. This is a great advantage, especially for façade installation, as the modules cannot always be optimally arranged to face the sun on existing building shells.
Long-term stable and reliableCIGS modules are characterized by the very good ratio between the possible (maximum) yield and the actually achieved yield (performance ratio) and thus offer our customers a stable energy yield over many years. 
Sustainable technologyAs a thin-film technology, the amount of material required for the semiconductor layer of the CIGS modules is over a hundred times lower than for modules made of crystalline silicon. This, together with the lower energy input for production, results in a particularly low carbon footprint for the modules.
Over 40 years of research & developmentAVANCIS is one of the pioneers of thin-film photovoltaics and has the longest experience in the commercial series production of CIGS solar modules. We cover the entire value chain - from basic research to product marketing.