Solar conference for the Middle East & North Africa
06.11.2023  |  Events

MENA -SC 2023 | November 15-18 | Dubai

From 15 to 18 November, AVANCIS was represented at the first photovoltaic conference in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) in Dubai with a presentation on our CIGS technology.

First solar conference for
Middle East & North Africa

The first solar conference in the MENA region was launched with the support of the international advisory committee of the World PV Conference (WCPEC-IAC) and immediately became the largest scientific platform for PV experts and researchers in this region with over 120 contributions and participants from 38 countries. In future, this event will provide a platform for scientific exchange and networking in the Middle East and North Africa. The conference covers all areas of photovoltaics and offers a comprehensive programme, from PV materials and devices, new technologies, PV reliability and performance predictions to module and system operation and grid integration. All topics play into one theme: accelerating the green energy transition.

AVANCIS speech


Our colleagues from AVANCIS presented our progress in module efficiency on 30 x 30 cm2 and our full-format module sizes. The main topic was of course our world record of 20.3 %. They also took the opportunity to publicise our BIPV solutions and new developments in this part of the world. The efficiency progress of our CIGS thin-film technology and our BIPV solutions aroused great interest, which resulted in numerous follow-up questions after the presentation.

The technical committee of the conference honoured the AVANCIS contribution with a "Best Paper Award". It would be desirable if this conference could establish itself as a platform for the exchange of questions and findings on PV development and application in this sun-rich region, as a supplement to the three already established international events IEEE-PVSC in North America, EU-PVSEC in Europe and PVSEC in Asia.

Best Paper Award for solar module manufacturer from Germany